Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Automate Apache Tomcat Clusters

The following script is a handy tool which I use to install an apache instance with mod_jk module and several tomcat instances which are used as a loadbalancing setup. After executing this script all you have to do is start the individual servers and everything should work.

The code

# This script is to automate a typical apache tomcat loadbalanced setup
# Author: Tharun Kumar Allu
# Email : tharun_DOT_allu_AT_gmail.com
# Setup all the variables properly
# Change the source to your choice before executing the script
# The only requirement in this script is they have to be tar.gz
# if you have other formats then change the basename directive below to reflect
# that
# Number of Tomcat clusters that you want to be installed
# Apache parameters to ./configure script enable more modules you might require
# here
APACHE_CONFIG=" --enable-so --enable-jk"

# Path where all the applications are installed if this path is not accessable
# by the user executing this script then prefix su - to 'make install' for
# apache and mod_jk

# Set the prefix of the ports that are used by Tomcat here for example port 8080
# is changed to 12080 for cluster 0 and 13080 and so on for the other clusters



mkdir temp$$

cd temp$$


tar zxvf `basename $APACHE_SOURCE` >/dev/null
cd `basename $APACHE_SOURCE .tar.gz`

./configure --prefix=$INSTALL_PREFIX/apache/ $APACHE_CONFIG
# prefix su - to the following command if current user does not have write
# access to $INSTALL_PREFIX
make install
cd ..

# Installing tomcat clusters and changing server.xml


for ((i=0;i<$NUM_CLUSTERS;i++));do tar zxvf `basename $TOMCAT_BINARY` >/dev/null
mv `basename $TOMCAT_BINARY .tar.gz` $INSTALL_PREFIX/tomcat-cluster-$i
mv $INSTALL_PREFIX/tomcat-cluster-$i/conf/server.xml $INSTALL_PREFIX/tomcat-cluster-$i/conf/server.xml.orig
cat $INSTALL_PREFIX/tomcat-cluster-$i/conf/server.xml.orig | sed s/"Engine name=\"Catalina\""/"Engine name=\"Catalina\" jvmRoute=\"cluster-"$i"\""/ | sed s/8005/"$TC_PORT_PREFIX"005/ | sed s/8080/"$TC_PORT_PREFIX"080/ | sed s/8009/"$TC_PORT_PREFIX"009/ >$INSTALL_PREFIX/tomcat-cluster-$i/conf/server.xml

# Compiling and installing mod_jk.so
tar zxvf `basename $MODJK_SOURCE`
cd `basename $MODJK_SOURCE .tar.gz`
cd native
./configure --with-apxs=$INSTALL_PREFIX/apache/bin/apxs
# prefix su - to the following command if current user does not have write
# access to $INSTALL_PREFIX
make install


rm -rf temp$$

touch $INSTALL_PREFIX/apache/conf/workers.properties

# Adding JK related entries to apache httpd.conf
echo "JkWorkersFile \"conf/workers.properties\"" >> $INSTALL_PREFIX/apache/conf/httpd.conf
echo "JkLogFile \"logs/mod_jk.log\"" >>$INSTALL_PREFIX/apache/conf/httpd.conf

echo "JkLogLevel info" >>$INSTALL_PREFIX/apache/conf/httpd.conf

echo "JkMount /jkstatus* jkstatus" >> $INSTALL_PREFIX/apache/conf/httpd.conf

#Building the loadbalancer worker.properties file

echo "worker.list=loadbalancer,jkstatus" >> $INSTALL_PREFIX/apache/conf/workers.properties


for ((i=0;i<$NUM_CLUSTERS;i++));do echo "worker.type=ajp13" >> $INSTALL_PREFIX/apache/conf/workers.properties
HOST=`host $TEMP_X | awk '{print $4}'`
echo "worker.cluster-$i.host=$HOST" >> $INSTALL_PREFIX/apache/conf/workers.properties
echo "worker.cluster-$i.port=$TC_PORT_PREFIX"009 >> $INSTALL_PREFIX/apache/conf/workers.properties
echo "worker.cluster-$i.lbfactor=1" >> $INSTALL_PREFIX/apache/conf/workers.properties

echo "worker.loadbalancer.balance_workers=$BALANCED_WORKERS" >> $INSTALL_PREFIX/apache/conf/workers.properties
echo "worker.jkstatus.type=status" >> $INSTALL_PREFIX/apache/conf/workers.properties

mv $INSTALL_PREFIX/apache/conf/httpd.conf $INSTALL_PREFIX/apache/conf/httpd.conf.orig

sed s/"Listen 80"/"Listen 80\n\n\nLoadModule modules\/mod_jk.so\n"/ $INSTALL_PREFIX/apache/conf/httpd.conf.orig > $INSTALL_PREFIX/apache/conf/httpd.conf

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Paging / monitoring service using Perl

Here I have written a small perl program which is used to read a configuration file where you can specify different types of services to be monitored and send out an email / page (email to mobile number).

This is pager.conf example

# This configuration file is used to setup paging for individual applications
# each filed is separated by one tab only.
# FIELD1 is server name
# FIELD2 is list of comma separated processes
# FIELD3 is type of process db - database proc - process mlog - message log
# FIELD4 is email address of the pager can be comma separated for multiple
# recipients.
# server processes type email
server1 db user@domail.com

Here is the actual perl program

open(F,"<$CONF") or die "Cannot open $CONF\n";

# Setting up default email.
$subject="Paging default";
$out = "Default message!";

$line= < F>
# Ignore Comments
if($line =~ m/^#/)
$line= < F>
#Ignore Empty lines
if($line =~ m/^(\s)*$/)
$line= < F>
# Get server proc type and email information from config file
#print "Server=$server\nproc=$proc\ntype=$type\nemail=$email\n";
foreach $i (@proclist)
# if it is a database check whether its up or not send out email alerts if it is down
if($type eq "db")
$ret=system("Your Database related checking script/ command");
#print "return = $ret\n";
if( $ret != 0 )
$subject="$server $i $type is down";
$out="Paging service Info:\n$server $i $type is down.\nsincerely,\nPager\n";
elsif($type eq "proc")
# if it is a process check whether its running or not send out email alerts if it is down
$ret=system("Your process related script / command");
#print "return = $ret\n";
if( $ret != 0 )
$subject="$server $i $type is down";
$out="Paging service Info:\n$server $i $type is down.\nsincerely,\nPager\n";
elsif($type eq "mlog")
$ret=system("Your log search script / command");
#print "return = $ret\n";
if( $ret == 0 )
$subject="$server $i has error";
$out="Paging service Info:\nOn $server $i log has error in it.\nsincerely,\nPager\n";

$line= < F>

#Function that sends email look at the configuration for default email at the top of the script

sub email_alert
#print "entered email\n";
#print "$to\n$from\n$subject\n$out\n";
# send email using UNIX/Linux sendmail
open(MAIL, "|/usr/sbin/sendmail -t");

## Mail Header
print MAIL "To: $to\n";
print MAIL "From: $from\n";
print MAIL "Subject: $subject\n";

## Mail Body
print MAIL $out;

This script could give you a starting point to add more services. Once it is done run it as a cron job every x amount of time where x is your interval at which your want to test for these services. On my side I test them every 5 minutes. with a cron entry .

Monday, March 10, 2008

SSH with no password

This is a very handy setting I use to login to various machines with out actually entering the password every time.
I have used this to setup user accounts on different servers so that I can monitor processes, disk space, etc.
lets first do the actual no password setup.

On Server 1
$ ssh-keygen -t dsa
Do not enter any password for key as this will defeat the whole purpose of not typing a password.
this creates id_dsa and id_dsa.pub files in ~/.ssh which are private and public keys respectively.
On Server 2
copy id_dsa.pub from Server 1 to Server 2
append the contents of id_dsa.pub to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2
$ cat id_dsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2

Now ssh from Server 1 for that user to Server 2 does not require a password.

Moving mediawiki to a different server

  • make a dump of the database

mysqldump --port=2081 --socket=mysql.sock --user=root
--password=yourpasswd --databases wikidb --single-transaction
--flush-logs | bzip2 -c > backup.bz2

  • make a archive of the web folder of wiki

ex: tar jcvf web.backup.tbz wiki/

  • On the new server install mysql, php , php-mysql, httpd
  • create a database and user in mysql.
  • change LocalSettings.php to point to new database
  • start/restart httpd

Apache with ssl on Solaris

You have to install openssl if it is not already installed.
$ ./configure --prefix=/path/to/apache/ --enable-so --enable-jk --enable-ssl --with-ssl=/path/to/openssl/
$ make
# make install

HTTP setup for accessing subversion

Install modules mod_dav_svn.so mod_authz_svn.so
and make the following change in your httpd.conf

DAV svn
SVNPath /path/to/svn
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Your Subversion"
AuthUserFile /path/to/htpasswd
Require valid-user
Note: For further security you can have this location accessible only through SSL by using virtual host directive.

How to move subversion (SVN)

  • on old server svnadmin dump /repo/path > repo.dmp
  • on new server
    svnadmin create /repo/path
    and svnadmin load /repo/path < repo.dmp

Long Due

This is something which has been long due. I have been using linux from a long time and wanted to post my difficulties and achievements in a blog but did not get an opportunity to do so. Now that I have been working with Linux in an Enterprise level, I though I will put some of my ideas implementations etc so that others can easily pickup.